AAA Exterminating

Bed Bug Control in North Carolina

Plans starting as low as


The Best Local Bed Bug Control Service

As a North Carolina resident, you understand the importance of maintaining a restful environment for your family, pets, and guests. A bed bug invasion can quickly ruin any sense of rest you feel in your home. At AAA Exterminating, we specialize in eliminating bed bugs in Raleigh, Fayetteville, Garner, and the surrounding areas. Take advantage of our expert pest control services and save up to $25 on your initial service charge. Don’t let bed bugs invade your home —act now!

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North Carolina Bed Bug Control Experts

AAA Exterminating: Your Trusted Partner in Bed Bug Control

At AAA Exterminating, our mission extends beyond merely eliminating bed bugs – we also want to provide an excellent experience for our clients. We understand the importance of choosing the right pest control service to ensure the safety and comfort of your family and pets. Our bed bug treatment process is conducted with meticulous care for your home environment, ensuring that your living space remains safe and comfortable.

Exceptional Bed Bug Elimination Service in Raleigh, Fayetteville, Garner Areas

AAA Exterminating provides unparalleled service for homeowners who need help eliminating bed bug issues. Our team is equipped with the latest knowledge and methods in pest control, providing tailored treatment using a proven process.

Our Professional Bed Bug Service

It can be difficult to determine whether or not you have a bed bug infestation if you do not have any professional training. If you discover what you believe is a bed bug infestation in your home it is important to get help right away. DIY methods are often ineffective and time-consuming. The experienced team at AAA Exterminating will come in and assess the situation, implement a treatment plan, and monitor activity to ensure our bed bug treatment is successful.

  • Bed Bug Inspection: Bed bugs are not always easy to spot. We will perform a thorough inspection that includes mattresses, box springs, bed frames, headboards, walls, and other known hiding areas in the affected rooms. We also inspect adjoining rooms to determine the severity and scope of the bed bug infestation and ensure full control.
  • Bed Bug Service Preparation Sheet: As part of our bed bug service, you will receive a bed bug preparation sheet prior to your treatment. This outlined the tasks you need to complete for your bed bug treatment to be successful. Some of these tasks include, lifting mattresses and box springs out of frames, laundering all bedding and linens, removing drawers from furniture, and cleaning the area.
  • Vacuum Treatment: We use a specialized vacuum equipped with HEPA filters to capture bed bugs and remove any eggs, exoskeletons, or molted skin that is present in your home. This part of the process removes bed bug particles and allows for greater insecticide penetration.
  • Chemical Application: Our team will properly apply professional bed bug products to ensure safety and effectiveness. The treatment we use will be applied to all areas where bed bugs are known to hide including baseboards, furniture, bed frames, and wall plates.

Local Expertise: As a local company deeply rooted in the community, we offer personalized services that larger companies simply cannot match. Our understanding of local pest behavior allows us to implement the most effective strategies for your home.

Excellent Customer Service: At AAA Exterminating, it is our mission to deliver exceptional customer service in Raleigh, Fayetteville, Garner and surrounding areas. We’re committed to providing a pest control experience that’s tailored to your needs and concerns.

Year-Round Bed Bug Control: Bed bugs are resilient, but they can be eliminated with the right process. Our year-round pest control programs are designed to keep your home bed bug-free throughout the year. We have plans to suit every budget so you can have ongoing protection from these unwelcome invaders.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee: We are committed to providing you with complete satisfaction. Our bed bug services come with a satisfaction guarantee. We guarantee that your home will be entirely free of bed bugs once we complete our services.

Take Action Against Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small pests that can cause serious problems for homeowners. These pests are difficult to eradicate and will not simply go away on their own. You need professional help to fight bed bugs! Take action against bed bugs by bringing in the professionals at AAA Exterminating. We specialize in identifying and addressing bed bugs effectively. Our expert team utilizes advanced techniques and knowledge to get rid of bed bugs and keep them out of your home so you can rest once again. 

AAA Exterminating are experts at controlling bugs, insects, carpenter ants, spiders, rodents, and other pests Indigenous to our area, things like the following:

AAA Exterminating Packages

AAA’s Pro program provides year-round protection for general household pests plus fire ants and rodent stations. Quarterly treatments and a satisfaction guarantee.

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AAA Premium

AAA’s Premium program provides year-round protection for general household pests plus fire ants, rodent stations and full termite coverage. Quarterly treatments and a satisfaction guarantee.

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AAA elite

AAA’s Elite program provides year-round protection for general household pests plus fire ants, rodent stations, full termite coverage and full mosquito coverage. Quarterly treatments and a satisfaction guarantee.

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Eco-Friendly Pest Control

AAA technicians are trained to read and understand labels. All the products we use are perfectly safe as long as the label is followed and you follow instructions from our technician. If you would like to begin service please call us at 919-271-9790 today!. 

Don't Let Pests Cause Problems