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Price of Termite Treatments in Raleigh, Cary, Garner and Apex areas

Termite contract, Raleigh NC, Cary NC, Garner NC, Apex NC, termite treatment We are often asked why termite contract prices in the Raleigh, Cary, Garner and Apex areas seem to have such a wide variance. The answer to this is a little more complicated then you might think. Many home owners believe that termite companies are pretty much offering the same thing. After all we are all offering to treat your home to get rid of termites and we offer protection against future infestations. The truth is the Type of treatments available, products used and warranties given vary just as much if not more then the prices. I will break down some of the considerations that effect price.
  1.    First a termite company has to decide what product they will use and this is a big reason for the difference we see in price. A good example is when you compare Termidor with premise. They are both non repellent termiticides and very good choices, however there are some important differences. Termidor is by far the most effective treatment available but it is also very expensive. On average termidor costs a pest control company between $150-$190 per finished 100 gallons. Premise is also very effective but does not perform as well as termidor but is much cheaper. Usually from about $40-$75 per finished 100 gallons.
  2.    Next I would say is the method of treatment. There are many methods being used in the Raleigh area. The State has set fourth minimum standards when a company performs a termite treatment but these standards are often waived by an official waiver provided by the state. This is not necessary a bad thing but it can be abused. Probably the most popular method I have seen in Raleigh is the perimeter treatment. Both Termidor and Premise have labeling that allow for these treatments but sometimes this concept is taken to an extreme. If you see a contract from a termite company and they want you to sign a waiver ask why they are wavering certain items. Both labels say the termite company should drill a dirt filled porch but this is often waived. A dirt filled porch is probably the most dangerous part of a home when it comes to termite damage, so I would HIGHLY suggest you do not allow this to be waived.
  3.   The last and most important is the actual termite contract. if you pay a termite company hundreds or possibly thousands of dollars to treat your home for termites you should know exactly what kind of protection they are offering you. The difference in quality between a termite contract that offers protection against future termite damage and a termite contract that does not cover future termite damage is HUGE. If you go with a contract with no damage warranty then you could be stuck paying thousands of dollars in termite damage even though you kept up your termite contract. The only thing the company will be resposible for is retreating the area where active termites are found. This will leave a very bad taste in your mouth and happens more often then you might think.
So if you are a homeowner in Raleigh, Cary, Garner, Apex or the sourrounding areas. My honest advice is to get more than one estimate and ASK QUESTIONS.