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Why you should not try to kill termites yourself

pest control cary nc, termite treatments cary     Killing termites is a pretty hard thing to do even for professionals. Very often while we are involved in pest control in Cary NC we will come across a customer who has found termites and attempts to kill termites themselves. At first termites may not seem like a big deal. You might only see termite evidence in one small area in the garage or you might find a small area of termite damage to a door frame. Attempting to kill the termites yourself may actually make your problem worse in the long run and here are a few reasons why.

  •    Most store bought products capable of killing termites are repellents. Repellents are products that termites can sense and will avoid. Almost any termite killing product will kill any termite it touches however, only a small part of the colony will come in contact with these products. So you may not see the termites in the area you first spotted them but it is very likely that the termites will reappear somewhere else and next time, you may not see them.
  •     Trying to kill termites yourself may give you a false sense of security. When we perform termite treatments we typically treat the entire house. Even after we treat the house we need to come back every year for a full inspection. Contrary to popular believe these inspections are not just a way for pest control companies to make money. Termite inspections are extremely important for controlling termites. Most state regulations require termite companies to inspect the property every year in order to keep the property under contract. Even after we do full professional termite treatments we will still sometimes find active termites in hard to see areas that need to be treated again.
  •    You probably do not have the equipment needed to control termites. When we find active termites in a garage we have to use hammer drills to drill 1/2 inch holes through the concrete slab and through the foundation where the evidence is found. We then have to inject the termiticide into these holes to ensure the chemical gets into the soil. On average I would say we use around 100 – 200 gallons of product on the average house. Most homeowners just don’t have the proper tools or experience to handle termites.

    Don’t worry though we are here to help. Here are some tips to that will help you get the best deal on a termite treatment.

  1. Do not be scared to shop around. The termite business is very competitive and there are several pest control companies that offer termite protection.
  2. Make sure you are dealing with a quality company. first you should make sure the company is established. Try to find a pest control company that has been around for 20 years or more and has a good grade with the Better business bureau. 
  3. Get more than one estimate. Most reputable pest control companies will give you a free estimate. If you feel pressured by a salesman I would throw that estimate away and get more.

     Finding the right termite contract may also seem confusing. Everything from the products used to what the contract actually covers may vary widely. Once you have a few estimates from a few reputable pest control companies for termites. You need to find out the terms of the contract. Here are a few of the most common differences you may find while getting estimates.

  1. Does the termite contract cover damage? Not all termite contracts will cover future damage. Some termite contracts only cover re treatments for the termites and not the damage they create. While others will protect you from future termite infestation and future termite damage. Termite contracts that cover future damage are far more valuable than contracts that don’t.
  2. How long will the initial treatment cover your home? This may depend on the product being used. Some companies will require a retreatment after five years some will require it after 10.
  3. How much will the contract cost per year? Most termite contracts require a yearly renewal fee at the time of the annual inspection. You should find out what this costs and will the annual price rise over time.

  The termite protection product you choose is up to you. Most professional products labeled for termites will do the job if used according to the label. Not all termite protection products are created equal. I highly recommend using a non repellent termiticide such as Termidor or premise. These products are very effective for controlling termites. They both have labeling that will allow a pest control company to treat the entire structure without having to drill as much as other products would require. These products are able to achieve excellent termite protection by mostly applying the product on the outside of the home. The termiticides non repellent characteristics allow termites to continue going through the barrier and then unknowingly spread the termiticide to other members of the colony while communicating and grooming.

   Click to find out more about these products: Termidor, Premise, Termite Bait.

   If you would like a FREE no obligation estimate for termite protection and you live in Raleigh, Cary, Fayetteville or any of the surrounding areas we would be glad to help. Simply click the Call to action below and fill out the form.